Center for Rehabilitation and Research
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Regenerative Rehab Training

Capturing the nuances of rehabilitation

pre and post biologic injection

We perform onsite 1-2 day clinics covering the latest developments in Regenerative Rehabilitation for Orthopedic  Injuries for your rehabilitation staff. For more information about our Regenerative Rehabilitation training program, send us an email.

Our training is now available for prospective candidates.


To instruct details in molecular biology, healing times, biomechanical loading and restructuring of maladaptive functional patterns for a variety of orthopedic diagnoses and of regenerative interventions including platelet rich plasma and autologous stem cell injections.


At the end of this two day course the participant will:

  1. Be knowledgeable in the molecular pathways of biologic injections
  2. Evaluate and correct maladaptive biomechanical patterns of the joint treated as well as related functional segments
  3. Be proficient in progressing rehab programs post biologic injection based upon healing times for the specific tissue, type of biologic used, and criterion based progressio